Practical Energy Solutions Hotels Brochure
Practical Energy Solutions
Practical Energy Solutions – (PES) provides design, installation, servicing, and maintenance of renewable energy solutions e.g. commercial Air and Ground Source Heat Pumps, Biomass Boilers, Combined Heat and Power systems, Solar PV, Wind Turbine technology, Hydro-electric power generation and EV Charging systems to sites and business premises throughout England and Wales.
The Project
The key requirement of the Practical Energy Solutions (PES) short brochure is to present key information showcasing typical renewable energy solutions that PES can offer to the hotel industry.
As such, it was specified early on that the brochure should be short and not exceed a single folded A3 sheet, allowing for four sides of presentable material. Due to this being an overview of services, there was no in-depth technical information to be presented. Instead the focus is more on lifestyle images and an eye-catching design, with the services shown being used as a lead into conversations regarding potential suitable solutions for the client.
With the intended audience being very targeted, this made it simpler to keep the tone of the brochure content more focused whereas the general design can be adapted and reused for other market sectors PES wish to pursue in the near future.
With many meetings, certainly at the early stages, being conducted online, it was important that the brochure artwork could be used not only as a high quality print item which could be posted to a potential client, but also work well as single A4 sides that could be emailed to a potential client.

The Client Said...

We have used AllDesignOnline to create a number of assets for us now, the standard of work is always very high even when the deadlines have been urgent. Highly recommended.
Practical Energy Solutions